Self Employed Parent Podcast With Joel Bower

049: Interview with Dana and Mark Hatjakes from SOSU TV: The integration, not just balance, of home and work life.



In episode 49, I interview Dana and Mark Hitjakes, who work hard to help other small businesses thrive while building a video production business of their own. Mark and Dana also have two kids and have a lot of great things to say about balancing their career and their family. It’s not balance - it’s integration Dana and Mark don’t just balance their work and home life - they integrate it. The two of them can’t really be separated. Leading by example. Dana and Mark’s kids have seen it all - from the beginnings of the business to where the two of them are today, and that’s helped raise their confidence about what they can do when they grow up. Family drives the entrepreneurial spirit. Children and having a family gives entrepreneurs a real reason to work hard and achieve their dreams. Connect with Mark and Dana! Find Mark and Dana at their webite, or on social media. Share the love! Never miss a show by subscribing to our show on iTunes! Do you have any questions about this episode? Ask them here!