
Box Office Poison: Episode 9



Sorry for being tardy, guys, but fear not! I come bearing a brand new episode of Box Office Poison: The Podcast About Movies and Movie Things. This episode, Stan Ferguson had to duck out, but we're joined by Rough Draught's own Jon Rind to help fill the void. And we've got plenty to talk about, too, from Green Hornet to Paranormal Activity 2 to Reformat the Planet to Rango. And, of course, we've got our Movie of the Month: Wet Hot American Summer chosen by Mike. And for those of you who like to play along, next month's movie will be Miller's Crossing. As always, let us know what you think via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section. And for goodness' sake, guys, go over to iTunes and rate/review us. Or else it gets the hose again. Thanks for listening, guys! See you on Tuesday for Crosstawk Sports!