
Discover Music Project: Episode 30



On this episode of DMP, Jonny welcomes Amanda Albert (Hardcore Nerdography, Rough Draught) to the show, and she's brought a fantastically weird and delightful band in Ween. The cult-status band delivers short, psychadelic pop songs that cross a huge spectrum of musical styles. Open your mind, relax, and float downstream with us as we explore the music of Ween! 1. Take me Away (Chocolate and Cheese) 2. Voodoo Lady (Chocolate and Cheese) 3. Freedom of 76 (Chocolate and Cheese) 4. Help Me Scrape the Mucus Off My Brain (12 Golden Country Greats) 5. You Were the Fool (12 Golden Country Greats) 6. The Mollusk (The Mollusk) 7. Buckingham Green (The Mollusk) 8. Ocean Man (The Mollusk) 9. Even if You Don't (White Pepper) 10. Exactly Where I'm At (White Pepper) 11. Falling Out (White Pepper) 12. Flutes of Chi (White Pepper) 13. Tried and True (Quebec) 14. Transdermal Celebration (Quebec) 15. Your Party (La Cucaracha) Encore: Spoon - I Turn My Camera On (Gimme Fiction) This episode also features our first on-air liste