
Box Office Poison: Episode 21



It's a three-man show, folks! I had to bow out to finish moving into my new apartment, and Stan's voice took a few days off due to sickness. So Jonny, Jon and Mike stepped up to the mic and delivered a really awesome show! In the first segment, they discuss The Muppets, Hugo, Beginners and even the 80s black comedy Heathers. In the second segment, it's the return of Trailer Trash, and the crew go over The Lorax, War Horse, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and finally The Sitter. Thanks for listening, guys! Remember to come back in two weeks as we discuss our December Movie of the Month, Jon's pick, Y Tu Mama Tambien. And let us know your thoughts via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. See you next time!