
Box Office Poison: Episode 23



Hello and welcome to a brand new episode of Box Office Poison. Jon Rind unfortunatley wasn't around to record for this episode, but there are still plenty of movies and movie thing to talk about. In the first segment, there's tons of year-end flicks to go over, from Tintin to Ghost Protocol to Girl With the Dragon Tattoo to Young Adult to even Dogtooth, Attack the Block and Pitch Black! Then, in the second segment, we get together for another round of Trailer Trash and discuss Prometheus, The Dark Knight Rises, GI Joe: Retaliation and The Hobbit. It might be the best collection of trailers yet, so you don't want to miss it. We'll be back in two weeks for our Movie of the Month, Withnail and I, which you can catch at any time on Netflix Instant. In the mean time, if you've got any thoughts, questions or concerns, you can let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And if you haven't listened yet, make sure you hit up the pilot for our latest show, T