
Box Office Poison: Episode 27



Hello and welcome to a brand new episode of Box Office Poison, the podcast all about movies and movie things! This time, Jonny and Mike had to step out to take care of some business (skiing and boyfriend duties, respectively), so it's just Jon, Stan and myself on this episode. And since we hadn't seen anything of particular note in this deadzone of movie releases, we went ahead and skipped straight to Trailer Trash. But what a Trailer Trash it was! We discussed The Amazing Spider-Man, The Bourne Legacy, The Three Stooges (unfortunately) and wrapped things up with The Hunger Games. What did you think of these trailers? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And when you're done there, head on over to iTunes and leave us a review. See you guys later in the week for a brand new Frozen North Dinnercast, Discover Music Project and the long-overdue return of Rough Draught!