
Box Office Poison: Episode 28



What's this? A new episode of Box Office Poison? No, it can't be... IT IS! So I'm sure the first question on your mind is, "What the fuck happened?" Well, I (and when I say "I," I mean me, Karl Castaneda) went through the final stages of development and the launch of my very first video game. And as a result, basically everything in my life that wasn't that was pushed to the side, including Crosstawk. So I'm the bad guy. Direct your assorted vegetables in my direction, if you would, please. But the rest of the dudes on this show are fucking rockstars. So don't blame them. In any case, this is the last episode I recorded before my "hiatus," but there are two other episodes in the can, and they'll be seeing a release over the next week. Our recording schedule went on, and even though I won't be on Episodes 29 or 30, the boys held up and delivered the same amazing content you're used to. So let's get to this actual episode. We go over some recent releases (including John Carter) in the first segment, and then we