
Box Office Poison: Episode 38



Back from the terrifying depths of the Black Lagoon, it's Box Office Poison! This episode, we're Stan-less yet again, but we do have plenty to discuss, from the awesome documentary Side by Side to an extended look back on Jurassic Park to The Dictator. Then, in our second segment, we discuss our Movie of the Month: Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). Did the Spanish Sci-Fi thriller that ultimately gave us Vanilla Sky deliver, or did we avert our eyes in contempt? You'll have to listen to find out. And come back next month when we go to town on Mike's pick: My Cousin Vinny. Thanks for listening, folks. Remember, if you have any thoughts or concerns to share, let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And please head on over to iTunes and leave us a rating/review. We absolutely need more of those.