
Box Office Poison: Episode 68



After too long an absence, Box Office Poison is back with a new episode! This time, we discuss 12 Years a Slave (again), Don Jon, The To Do List, a Boy and His Dog, In the Loop and more! Then, in the second segment, Stan chose Unforgiven as Movie of the Month purely to please someone who wrote in. Did he love it, or did he find the movie boring and trite, a sin he considers... well, you get it. Hey! You! Person listening/reading/you get the idea! Go to on Saturday, November 23rd at 12 Noon Eastern Time to listen to the 4th Annual NWR Telethon to benefit Child's Play, a charity organization that sends toys, games and consoles to sick kids in hospitals. It's a great cause and every cent goes to the right place, so be there! And if we get to $5000, at 9PM Eastern on 11/23, we'll have a special live Box Office Poison segment! Thanks for listening, guys, and if you have thoughts/questions/concerns, send 'em over to, Twitter (@crosstawk) and in the comments section on the