
Box Office Poison: Episode 69



Is that? Could it be? Your eyes and ears are not playing tricks on you, folks. BOP is back for the second time in a day to bring you more chatter about movie things AND movies. We cover Thor: The Dark World, About Time, Escape From Tomorrow, Ender's Game, Saturday Night Fever, and more before opening up a fresh batch of your listener mail in our second segment. Listen up people, tomorrow, NOVEMBER 23RD at NOON EST, go to for the 4th Annual NWR Telethon to benefit Child's Play, a charity organization that sends toys, games, and consoles to sick kids in hospitals. Every cent raised goes to Child's Play and it's a great cause plus, if we get to $5000, you'll get a segment of BOP LIVE at 9pm EST, where we'll talk about the Super Mario Bros movie. Get to givin, y'all. If you wanna write in and let us know what you think about the show, get at us through twitter (@crosstawk), e-mail (, or leave a comment below. Then head on over to iTunes and leave us a review. We'd reall