
Syndicated - LOST



Well, it has come to this.  Syndicated bids farewell for the time being with a long-awaited discussion of critical (and panel) favorite, LOST.  This island drama set the standard for modern sci-fi on television, and introduced viewers to a type of storytelling they'd never seen before. This episode, we have Luke and Andy on the panel, returning champion Jonathan Metts (Box Office Poison, Austinmates, Discover Music Project) and Crosstawk fearless leader Karl Casteneda (Box Office Poison, A Force To Remember, Rough Draft).  For Jonny, this was his first time watching LOST.  For the rest of us, we were visiting an old friend. We'll be back someday, when you least expect it.  Until then, keep your Chromecast handy and your Netflix subscription paid.  Thanks for tuning in.