
Box Office Poison: Episode 159



It's (sorta) that time of year! After an unfortunate delay, I'm proud to present the 2017 Cross Con episode of Box Office Poison! This time, Stan Ferguson and Mike Sklens couldn't join us in Los Angeles, California, but our good buddies Jesse Laier and Jon Lindemann were able to join Jonny, Jon, and I to round out the crew. This time, we discuss War Machine, Alien: Covenant, Mindhorn, and more before answering a very interesting and dense email from our pal Rob from Toronto. Then, it's time to talk about my pick for Movie of the Month: Air Force One! We'll see you again this Friday to go over Post Office Poison, so if you've got any questions, comments, or concerns, send them to, Twitter (@crosstawk), or the comments section on the site. Thanks for listening, and we'll see you in five days!