Life In Accounting - The Where Accountants Go Podcast

011: Chris Carmona CPA – Building a Firm and the Importance of Family



Chris Carmona, partner at Schriver Carmona and Company, was my guest for this episode of Life In Accounting. "Do you want to buy a practice?" Chris started Schriver Carmona and Company in 2010 when he was contacted by his now partner, Derek Schriver, by email asking him if he was interested in going in together to buy a practice from a sole proprietor that was retiring. Six months, and one SBA loan later, Chris and Derek were in business. "Knowing how to run a business" One of the insights that Chris shares in the interview is that although technical proficiency is obvious important in the accounting profession, knowing how to actually run a business is at least as important once you take the step to go out on your own. Personnel issues, strategy issues, and creating the culture you want become front of mind as you work towards growing the firm of your dreams. Family Chris credits much of his success to his positive family role models - his grandfather and his uncle. His grandfather was positive role model wi