Life In Accounting - The Where Accountants Go Podcast

023: Melanie Geist of Ridout Barrett & Co, Porter & Geist, and the Peace Corp!



Melanie Geist, partner with Ridout Barrett & Company, a CPA firm in San Antonio, joined us for this episode of Life In Accounting: The Where Accountants Go podcast. Peace Corp! While it’s not the main point of the interview, one of the interesting elements of Melanie’s background is that she took a short time off to travel with the Peace Corp right after college prior to returning to the states to start her professional career. The Peace Corp stationed her in Nicaragua, a destination she feels fortunate to have been given, and it was there that she formed some life-long relationships – one of which landed her in San Antonio and jump started her career! Ground floor opportunity… She returned to the US and decided on San Antonio partially because she was invited to join a start-up accounting firm ran by Steve Porter CPA, which eventually became Porter & Geist. It was a tremendous opportunity in that it took advantage of some basic skills Melanie had gained in a part-time job during college, but at the same time