Life In Accounting - The Where Accountants Go Podcast

034: Kelly Noe, PhD CPA CGMA – Don’t Second Guess It, Just Go For It



Kelly Noe, a PhD CPA & CGMA that is currently serving as the Interim Director for the School of Accountancy at Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches, Texas, joined us this week for Life In Accounting: The Where Accountants Go podcast. “I’ve been a lucky person” In this episode, Kelly recounts the story of how she decided to become an accountant in the first place – a process that started with the influence of her grandmother. At 11 years old, she was paid $5/hour to help in her grandmother’s firm with basic bookkeeping related tasks. And 5 years later when she got a job working as a cashier in a grocery store, she realized that she was going to be making less than she did at the age of 11… so maybe accounting was a good career to consider! It was at that point that her direction was set. Why don’t you come teach? After working several years in the profession, including in a CFO position for a hospice, she made the choice to stay home and raise her family. She decided after a while though that perhaps a