Ranger Danger: A Power Rangers Podcast

MMPR 14: Power Ranger Punks



The profoundly lovely Sarah joins us on the show for the first time, as we watch the episode Power Ranger Punks. It might be the most groan inducing episode yet. Some things that come up on this episode: The flying penny farthing returns! Thank the heavens! Are you infected with the Punk? That's okay, we learn the secret to curing Punkishness! Spoiler warning: It involves a shrieking vegetable. We get deep into Zordon's back story in this episode. Turns out it involves him being a kick arse ninja wizard thing! With a body! Who knew! FEAR THE TERROR TOAD! Or burst out laughing as soon as you see him, as Sarah does. Your choice, I guess. "Sometimes it was laser, sometimes it wasn't." - That's Sarah discussing a tongue. AW SHIT IT'S A VOLLEYBALL-OFF EVERYBODY!! And much more!