Ranger Danger: A Power Rangers Podcast

MMPR 21: Green with Evil Part V



This is it!! The podcast finale of our roundtable discussion of the Green With Evil miniseries!! Let's see what Tommy the Green Ranger has in store for us in this dramatic resolution We discuss the career of the actor, Jason David Frank! Spoiler warning: he beats dudes up for real now! VR Troopers gets mentioned for the first and hopefully last time! We discover that Jason David Frank was in a movie with Ally Sheedy that went unreleased for over a decade! The Dragonzord is a robot Godzilla that shoots rockets from its fingers. Show redeemed. The dramatic cliff hanger from the last episode is hand waved away in the least fulfilling way possible, but that's okay, because it leads to a legitimately exciting and enjoyable Megazord and Power Ranger on Power Ranger battle. Tommy officially joins the team! The era of all the other Power Rangers being forever overshadowed begins! Yaaay…? Stick around to the very end of the episode for the worst possible 'reward' for sticking with us through all of this