Alcoholics Eponymous With Xander O'connor

Alcoholics Eponymous Ep. 84 - Red Stripe Beer



Xander and Grush take on the mysterious ancient Jamaican elixir known only as "Red Stripe" with the help of Kendall Klitzke and Justin Bueltel.  And, of course, by 'take on', we mean that these four goons talk bollocks while drinking.   If you want a quick, trenchant review of Red Stripe beer...go somewhere else.  Or read this: it's a slightly sweet, better-than-terrible-American-macrobrews macrobrew.  There, happy?  I just saved you an hour or so of your life!   If you want to hear four Chicago comedians riff on topics both varied AND sundry, then put this podcast into your podcast holes (ears, presumably).   There are worse choices one can make in life.     iTunes searchword list (for robot overlords only! avert your gaze, humans!): alcohol, review, comedy, jokes, funny, silly, Chicago, beer, booze, improv, stand up, sketch, diaspora, disparate, disparage, disapparate (for the Harry Potter bot fans), rating, score