Leading Liberty

From NSA Prospect to Libertarian Activist on The Resistance Podcast



Alternative media is amazing because we finally have an escape from the humdrum of headline chasers and can focus on simply having good content and enjoyable conversations. I was so excited to get a chance to appear on The Resistance Podcast with Josh Carter earlier this month to discuss how I went from being a development director and vice president of pro-liberty non-profits, Reason’s youngest major donor, and why I am so committed to elevating our standards of political messaging. We cover so much more in the episode, including: How to run Facebook ads The creative process for messaging a compelling campaign How I almost ended up at the NSA What podcasts I listened to Case studies from previous campaigns I worked on Why do I love underground rap (not a joke folks) So what are you waiting for? Check out the episode today! As promised, here's the live video recording of the interview! Any questions, comments, or special requests? Tell us what’s on your mind in the Leading Liberty Mastermind Faceb