Leading Liberty

Part 2: Breaking Through To An Audience With Podcasting with We Are Libertarians Guest Hosts Chris Spangle and Greg Lenz



In less than one hour, you could be on your way to podcasting success. Intrigued? Excited? Scared? All of the above? Do not panic, just keep reading. You are already on the right path. Every week, Leading Liberty reaches hundreds of listeners, spreading our love of free markets and free people nationwide. But that’s not all. We know you can too! Podcasting done right is a game changer, and creating your own show has never been easier. Whether you want to grow your business, advocate for your organization, or promote your personal brand, podcasting is one of the most cost-effective ways to take your ideas to the global stage. And we’re here to help you do just that. In just under 60 minutes, guest hosts Chris Spangle and Greg Lenz will teach you the ins and outs of podcasting. As hosts of We Are Libertarians, a show with 9,000 listeaners per episode and nearly $1,000 in Patreon donations per month, Chris and Greg offer expert insight for beginners and experienced podcasters alike. In just one episode, you’ll l