Leading Liberty

Breaking Liberty Barriers With Help From Hitler With We Are Libertarians Guest Hosts Chris Spangle and Greg Lenz



What can libertarians learn from history's most hated dictators? Simply put: the power of propaganda. Hold on, you say. Isn't propaganda a thing of the past? And isn't it obvious when something or someone is trying to manipulate me? These are all good questions. Stay tuned, and we'll give you some answers. The fact is, even today, propaganda in some form is everywhere. It lurks in news, music, media, political speeches, and even history textbooks. More importantly, it still changes the way we think about the world and the decisions we make as a result. Is that scary? Well, it doesn't have to be. It turns out the more you know about the history of propaganda, the more you'll be able to recognize and resist it. Moreover, with the right tools, you can use elements of propaganda to better advocate for the ideas of liberty. In this episode, guest hosts Chris Spangle and Greg Lenz are back to dissect how Hitler and the Nazis to take over Germany and how the influence of propaganda is still relevant today. Give us o