Climbing The Pillars Of Power Podcast With Janet Zaretsky

04: Climbing the Pillar of Influencing



Welcome to Climbing the Pillars of Power: Supporting women in business to get noticed, get heard and get ahead.
Janet Zaretsky, is a Master Power Coach, Contributor, and Serial Entrepreneur. As a master business success coach and strategist, Janet is a powerhouse that has led programs and coached over 31,000 people over the last 2 decades. She is excited to bring you the Climbing the Pillars of Power Podcast.
This is a podcast for women who want to break barriers - from their own blocks that keep them from making the money they want, to the cultural, societal and organizational barriers that keep them from having their voice heard, their opinion valued and rewarded, and shattering the glass ceiling.
They key themes we explore are confidence and getting past self-doubt and Impostor Syndrome, success money mindset, being powerful in the face of conflict, creating win-win relationships, motivation, effective communication, inspiration, and practical tools to get what you want and deserve. This podcast is for women in business, entrepreneurs, career professionals as well as executives or want-to-be execs.