Learn English Through Listening

Easy English-Brexit and Economy Words Ep 797



Have you ever wondered what happened after Brexit? Did disaster strike the UK's trade, immigration, and travel? In this episode, we examine key Brexit vocabulary and explore how changes in the UK economy, trade rules, and travel affect everyday life. You'll learn all about simple wordshttps://adeptenglish.com/language-courses/500-most-common-words-course/ and phrases—like "import," "export," and "tariff"—using clear, real-world examples.If you would like to access our premium Listen & Learn English podcasts on Spotify, Apple Podcasts & many other podcast services, we explain everything you need to know here:https://adeptenglish.com/faq/subscription-faq/At Adept English, we believe in learning Englishhttps://adeptenglish.com/language-courses/ through immersive listening. Today’s discussion links the impact of Brexit to everyday topics, helping you understand news and exam-style questions with ease. We break down complex ideas into short, clear sentences that bring