Rock 'n' Roll Success & Motivation Show

Sandra Dee Robinson Shares Rock'n'Roll Keys to Success



Tim Gillette is the author and creator of the Rock 'n' Roll Keys to Business Success. Using music, motorcycles, and mentorship to create business systems and leaders in the entrepreneur world. Each week Tim features a non tradional success story that will motivate and inspire you to beleive you can succeed in business in America Today. Join us this week with special guest: Sandra Dee Robinson is an actress, speaker, radio and TV host, author and CEO of Charisma on Camera Media Training Studio, in Los Angeles. Sandra Dee is under great demand as a coach and consultant to entrepreneurs, authors, celebrities and experts to help them develop unfailing confidence in their personal presence.   She has appeared in major roles on Another World, Sunset Beach, Bold and the Beautiful, General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, and guest-starred on many prime time shows and films. Currently Sandra is on the Emmy-nominated new media drama, The Bay and is creating new TV content!  Her new book, Make an Impact! Secrets to Po