Compliance Expert

5 Minutes: QAR from the Key Stakeholders Viewpoint: Turnover



Learn more valuable information from Compliance Expert, Sonia Luna, on the necessity, cost savings and advantages of a Quality Assessment Review (QAR): Register for Sonia's upcoming webinar by submitting your question HERE. In THIS audio, Sonia shares 5 minutes on the QAR, from the Key Stakeholder's Perspective. A huge win of a QAR from the stakeholders' perspective is the interview with department members and the overview of how they fit into the team and into the larger corporation as a whole.  The nature of audit departments almost always involves high turnover. That can be a win for the corporation IF the Chief Audit Executive works to breed a culture where they create the BEST jobs possible – so when someone transitions to a different department, the company benefits with the best employees possible – and eliminates hiring fees to outside agencies.  Also, by creating a better audit performance, employees become much more familiar with the highest expectations and work toward the highest goals possibl