Compliance Expert

Influencer Marketing & the Future of Social Media for Auditors



In this breakthrough interview, you will gain significant insight on what to consider and measure when reviewing organizations social media marketing efforts. For years now, the auditing profession has been trying to understand the impact and risk of Social Media. More importantly what costs it could have when good money is being spent on bad social media marketing plans! Today, our listeners, will walk away knowing how and why influencer marketing works and how auditors can find the right audit trail! Go “way, way” back in the day, over 22 years in digital marketing, and explore the changes in the last two decades. Understand what are third party reports that compliance experts can rely on the data they’ve been given. Discover why content marketing appears to be growing so fast. Learn who's doing content marketing right (and why)!  Sonia Luna, CEO of Aviva Spectrum, a financial transformation and compliance consulting firm headquartered in sunny, Los Angeles, California. She is also a speaker and writer on