Mom Biz Solutions With Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach

Mompreneurs: Three Steps to Redefining Success for Yourself--Part 4 of the WoMEN Teleseminar Series



The fourth installment of the "WoMEN: What Mom Entrepreneurs Need" teleseminar series offered by Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach. The WoMEN teleseminar series continues Tuesday, May 12th at Noon ET with Lara Galloway interviewing Nicola Ries-Taggart, The Executive Moms Coach, who is a mom, an entrepreneur, and the founder of True Insights Coaching. You won't want to miss this information-packed hour in which Lara asks Nicola to give us the scoop on why mom entrepreneurs need to drop their old definitions of success and define what it means for them now, at this exact point in their lives. Nicola will take us through a simple exercise that teaches us how to create our own definition of success that reflects who we are and who we want to be in business and in life. Having my WAHMs define success for themselves is a critical step in the early stages of my coaching programs. Nicola's approach is simple and effective. Learn how the meaning of success either inspires us or hinders us and what you can do to be sure