Maximise Your Potential Podcast

Max#54: Clara Mosha – from high blood pressure risk to champion body builder



After a bit of a break, we are pleased to be back with episode 54 of the Maximise Potential Podcast. In today's interview, I'm very proud to introduce a truly inspirational individual who embarked on a journey of self-discovery and, in her own words, a journey that enabled her to feel as if she had completely started her life over again. I'm not going to give away the details of Clara Mosha's story, but in my opinion it embodies so many of the personal and character traits, such as persistence, adaptability and a commitment to life-long learning, that we have witnessed with such regularity in the people who have shared their stories on this podcast. This episode is a little longer than most, so please get comfortable, grab a tea or coffee, and enjoy another episode of the Maximise Potential Podcast. Key messages from Clara: Every time I listen to this interview with Clara, I can't help but get caught up with her energy and enthusiasm. I think Clara's desire to learn and by doing so, take control of he