Franchise Interviews

Need a Franchise Loan? Meet the team from Diamond Fiancial Services on Franchise Interviews



Headquartered in Raleigh, NC, Diamond Financial was formed to fill a large void in the national financing market. Studies have shown, for example, that in one year over 21 million small business loans were applied for through local banks and only 4 million were actually funded. DFS realized that many capable individuals were not able to identify interested financial institutions, package the loan application or justify their needs to bank officers, causing over 84% to be declined due to presentation alone. President, Stephen Mariani, has been involved in small business since 1978 by personally owning many himself. It is his experience in locating financial solutions that has brought him to establish this company with the business owner in mind. He prides himself on honesty and integrity, which is apparent after your first encounter with his organization. They are dedicated to the small businesses in America and committed to their success.