
The Wealthy Freelancer



Who is a Wealthy Freelancer? Authors Pete Savage, Ed Gandia and Steve Slaunwhite join me to answer that question. For thousands of freelancers and solo professionals, self-employment is a constant struggle. Getting clients, generating a comfortable income and maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a series of never-ending battles. Worse yet, many freelancers believe they’re supposed to struggle. And then, there are the others … Those thousands of solo professionals who have developed thriving businesses. They don’t think of themselves as “starving artists.” In fact, they’re living proof that you can have it all… a high income, great flexibility and a fulfilling life. It’s not a tradeoff. This is a special hour with a Q & A with you and the authors. Bring your questions to the chat room. Can't make the live call. Send your questions via Twitter @sandrasc