
Clarifying HCR with @Karoli



Healthcare Reform. If you are like me sorting out the good from the bad in the current Healthcare bill has been a monumental challenge. Karoli joins Wild Woman Network to help us clarify where we are now with the bill and what we should and could look for in the future. Now that health care access is about to be a reality for everyone after nearly 100 years of effort, the insurance industry has ramped up the noise machine, while many liberals are disappointed in the compromises it took to come to the final vote last week. This battle was only about one issue: pre-existing conditions. Karoli argues for why compromise was necessary, and why winning this battle paves the way for a more perfect system with either a public option or a single-payer floor as the next step. Karoli is a blogger, semi-retired retirement plan consultant and community manager for online communities. She was one of the original team members for CNN Interactive's online community through 2001, spent 8 years