Sbs Romanian - Sbs In Limba Romana

What happens to your pet when you go back to work? - Ce se intampla cu animalul dumneavoastra de companie cand reveniti la serviciu?



While the health of many Australians is at risk because of the coronavirus, pet-owners' well-being is benefiting from more time with animals at home. But once workers return to the office at the end of the coronavirus lockdowns, there are concerns their beloved creatures could really miss the extra attention. - In timp ce sanatatea multor australieni e amenintata de virusul Covid19, sanatatea persoanelor care detin animale de companie, beneficiaza de timpul mai mare petrecut acasa, cu acestea. Odata ce oamenii se vor intoarce la locurile lor de munca, dupa ce blocajul acasa va fi relaxat sau ridicat in totalitate, exista ingrijorarea ca iubitele lor animale ar putea suferi datorita unei mai mici atentii si timp, acordate.