Cinema Throwdown

Bridesmaids (2011)



Cinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Annie takes Jacob out for bad bad divey food and he gets the worst gut cramps from the 2011 comedy, Bridesmaids. Jacob and Annie watched Bridesmaids this week and if you thought Jacob didn't enjoy Princess Bride, boy oh boy.... Although Annie enjoys this movie, Jacob struggles to understand why. Why is it so? Maybe because Annie was just a bridesmaid herself and was projecting a whole lot into this movie. They talk dancing (or the lack thereof) and general wedding shenanigans before digging into a movie that was extremely polarizing. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on Facebook at