Omnicell Thought Leadership Series

Drug Diversion Prevention Strategies with Udobi Campbell, Pharm. D.



Udobi Campbell Pharm.D., M.B.A. Associate Chief Pharmacy Officer Duke University Hospital, Durham, NC shares her operations story of drug diversion prevention by leveraging Omnicell technologies, processes, and proactive procedures.  Duke University Hospital (DUH) is the flagship hospital of Duke University Health System (DUHS) and a full-service, 957-bed, three million square foot quaternary academic medical center. With the goal of improving healthcare in the Carolinas, James B. Duke willed $4 million in 1925 which allowed for the establishment of DUH and its medical and nursing schools. DUH's focus on continuous improvement is aligned with its vision to discover, develop and deliver a healthier tomorrow. Volume statistics from fiscal year 2015 indicate greater than 40K inpatient admissions and over 1 million outpatient visits. Areas of highly-specialized, complex services include - stem cell/bone marrow transplant, pediatric cardiac intensive care, comprehensive cancer center, level 1 trauma center, solid