Bulletproof Radio

#69 Clearing Up Cholesterol with Jimmy Moore



What if everything you thought you knew about cholesterol was wrong? In this episode of Bulletproof Radio cholesterol expert Jimmy Moore about how we’re being lied to about our cholesterol health. We discuss triglycerides and lab results and reveal a wealth of information on the basics of cholesterol. You’ll learn the difference between LDL and HDL, why you don’t have to be fat to have bad heart health, and why low cholesterol is bad for baby making! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Enjoy! In January 2004, Jimmy Moore made a decision to get rid of the weight that was literally killing him. At 32 years of age and 410 pounds, the time had come for a radical change of lifestyle. A year later, he had shed 180 pounds, shrunk his waist by 20 inches, and dropped his shirt size from 5XL to XL. He is regarded as a fan of low carbohydrate diets and eating plans and promotes them through his blog, books, YouTube videos and podcasts. He currently resides in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Moore's latest book Cholest