Bulletproof Radio

#104 The Science of Smart with Dan Hurley



Is it all just a bunch of “happy talk” or is it true that with focused brain training, we can all get smarter? Science journalist and author, Dan Hurley comes on Bulletproof Radio to talk about the science of smart and fluid intelligence. Find out what that is and if/how it can be increased for individuals. Everyone wants to be smarter and science is coming up with new ways to make it possible. Hurley is an expert on what we can do to hack our brain and make it work smarter. On the show you’ll hear about things like working memory, Dual-N-Back training, how IQ is different from fluid intelligence, and if pre-school actually helps make us smarter. Dual-N-Back is talked about a lot on Bulletproof Radio. Visit the link to soakyourhead.com in the show notes and try it out!     Dan Hurley is an award-winning science journalist whose 2012 feature in The New York Times Magazine, “Can You Make Yourself Smarter?”, was one of the magazine’s most-read articles of the year. Featured in the 2013 PBS documentary feature, “