Bulletproof Radio

Upgrade Spotlight: Unlocking the Secrets of Water Energy, Frequency & Vibration - Mario Brainovic : 1055



Mario Brainovic is an expert in the science of water, specifically focusing on its ability to transmit energy, frequency, and vibration. With a wealth of knowledge and extensive research under his belt, Mario has dedicated his work to understanding the profound changes that can occur in our biology when we consume water that has been treated with the right frequencies.As the CEO of Analemma, Mario has developed a unique approach to creating positively charged water that can boost our physiology and overall health. This friendly and passionate water enthusiast is always eager to share new findings and discoveries to help others optimize their energy levels.Find all the links and resources in the show notes. WE APPRECIATE OUR PARTNERS. CHECK THEM OUT! Must-Have Magnesium: https://magbreakthrough.com/dave, use code DAVE10 to get a 10% discountBiohack and advance your skincare to the next level with https://bioquantumskincare.com/ use code DAVE22 for 22% OFF9th Annual