Ask Rezzz

How do you build a good freelancing profile in the field of web development considering the competition?



I hate to break the news, but there isn’t a hack here.This takes time, effort, consistency, and most of all, doing good work.If you were to take several names of those “freelancer profiles” that you respect, what do they look like?Have they been in the game for a long time?Do they market themselves effectively?Do they work with some of the best names?How do their clients talk about them?and maybe the most important aspect of their profile is…What sort of focused solution are they providing? The reason this is important to pay attention to is that I guarantee you that every single person you respect, has invested a great deal of time to hone their craft. They aren’t jumping over to the newest shiny object in web development every 3-6 months.They get great at one thing and evolve with that. They become the goto person for that particular technology.That’s not to say that they didn’t start by being a general web developer. Most have in fact. But they quickly realized that they were great at one thing, or enjoyed