Ask Rezzz

A108 - When starting out freelance, should I just be a generalist to get my feet wet, or should I go for that niche?



Before I share with you my answer, are you new to the podcast. Maybe you are simply overwhelmed and not sure which episodes you want to listen to first. I bet you there are a few episodes you’ve missed that pertain directly to you and can help you with your business right now!I’ve got the answer for you. You can get a customized playlist of Ask Rezzz episodes based around you, your business, and your experience. This playlist is made by minifigs and gremlins directed by me of course, that are handpicked especially for you.I’m always going to suggest you niche down. Let’s get that out there straight off the bat.It’s just a matter of how fast you specialize to that niche and how strongly focused you stick to it.Regardless of your situation, you should always be working towards that niche. In the end, that’s where you’ll want to be to avoid that feast or famine cycle.With that out of the way, I’m a realist. I know you’ve got bills to pay. They will never stop coming in and how well positioned you are on being ab