Ask Rezzz

A125 - How often should I write a blog post?



This is the natural follow up to the last episode.Now that you know what to write, how often should you.Once you get the juices flowing it’s often easy to then say, I’m going to put out a daily blog post, or a weekly post.More often than not though, you’ll die out. Believe me, I’ve been there, done that.I’ll tell you what I tell my coaching clients as well as my service clients, write as often as you can be consistent with it.You don’t have to write daily or weekly even. If you write once a month to start out, decide on a day of the month, and publish then.Writing isn’t an easy process, it takes time, research, thought, editing, and even some pretty-ing up. You want to make sure that you have the dedicated time and resources to do this among all the other things that you do.Here’s why being consistent above all else is important.PeopleYou write above all else for your readers. If you push publish on a particular day of the week, day of the month, your readers learn to expect it.It’s why TV shows have time slo