Ask Rezzz

A141 - Should I use my name or create a business name when starting?



I get asked this question a lot and to be frank and to the point, I’m going to say to use your name.Now if you want the case on why I’m going to outline 3 reasons as to why I have this response.There are obviously cases for both sides, but I want to share with you some thoughts as to why you should think about using your name.1. People do business with peopleThis is especially true in the freelance or consulting space.When you are starting out, there are a ton of distractions that force decisions on you that to be honest, don’t matter.What matters is getting out there and getting those first few clients. How you get them is by making conversations and talking about problems that you can solve.Chris Ducker, the founder of Youpreneur, always says that people do business with other people. Forming that P-2-P relationship is the foundation of business.I couldn’t agree more. Here’s the thing, if you continue the discussion with a random business name rather than your name, you start to dilute the impact your name