Ask Rezzz

A156 - What do I say when a potential client says I’m too expensive?



Sticker shock is real sometimes, but other times this is a negotiation tactic. It’s up to you to figure out.Explain why you are different than others and provide proofThis is where you should be explaining and re-framing the context of your service in comparison with what they’ve experienced in the past and/or your unique advantage.You want to be empathic to their budget restrictions obviously. Simply re-iterate the results you’ve had with past clients and keeping it succinct and to the point that you are helping them accomplish goals and not only building a website, feature, or blog post.All these things they have heard from you before at length so no need to re-hash it all again.Then leave it at that and let them fill in the awkward silence. This will start to tell you if it’s a negotiation tactic or reality.If they don’t have the funds, be understanding and tell them that when they are ready in the future, you are there for them.Scale back the work to meet their budgetScale back scope, don’t discount!If th