Ask Rezzz

A158 - How much money do I need to make?



The mistake most freelancers make after having worked full-time is taking their annual salary and breaking that out into an hourly rate.This is a mistake for so many reasons, one of which is that what you pay in taxes here in the U.S. as a W2 employed person is very different than that of a 1099 self-employed person.You will need to cover things like healthcare, social security, and a whole plethora of other things that often times your full-time employer have covered for you.So before you make that leap, or if you have already and wonder why you feel strapped for cash, this episode should shed some light for you.Personal expensesThis is the biggest nut to crack and the harshest reality for a lot of people. Your personal expenses can vary from what your groceries cost, how much the mortgage or rent is to how much do you often spend on a pair of jeans.Be honest with yourself when exploring this because this is the space where you don’t want to skimp on. In fact, if you over budget here, you’ll be better off.Th