Ask Rezzz

A261 - One year in, what's the next 5 look like?



Chris Bintliff from Not Really Rocket Science, is someone who I met through Twitter, but someone I consider a friend. Chris appeared on Live In The Feast and we geeked out about marketing and creating delight for clients.Not only that, but if you want to know anything about home automation, he's the guy to talk with.During a conversation one day, Chris mentioned that if there was ever an opportunity in which I myself could be interviewed, rather than me doing the interviewing, he wanted it.There's no better day than on this very special, milestone episode of Ask Rezzz.I'll be honest, I really had no idea what Chris was going to ask me. He could've asked me anything at all. The only constraint was to stay within a certain time, the rest was up to him.Chris rose above and beyond to the task and asked me 3 amazing questions that I know you'll enjoy.Are you a Freelancer? Do you identify with the Unemployable?What advice can you offer to someone to embrace where they are in their freelance career so that they can