Killer Instinct

Murder, Secrets and Privilege: Examining The Murdaugh Family



This case actually involves several cases of accidental death and murder. Savannah explores the legacy of the famous (and often infamous) Murdaugh family and the many tragedies that have surrounded them. Savannah starts with the most recent incident on June 7, 2021 where Maggie and her son Paul Murdaugh were found shot to death near their hunting lodge in South Carolina, and backtracks to a boat accident that killed teenager Mallory Beach, and that many believe let Andrew Murdaugh off the hook for his reckless behavior. She also details the still-unsolved murder of Stephen Smith, where many residents are convinced that Andrew Murdaugh may be directly responsible. So were Maggie and Paul's murders a random act of violence or was this an act of revenge for the family's checkered past? Love Killer Instincts but hate the ads? Subscribe to the ad-free version here!: Get 10% Off by visiting! Find out how Upstart can lower your monthly payments today whe