Road To Seven

The Realignment Process with Kristine Kolzing



 ‌“You can’t just put it out there and have a vision of it and not take action towards it. A lot of people forget or don’t know or haven’t been taught that the Law of Attraction goes hand-in-hand with the Law of Action.”  —  Kristine KolzingWhat would your life look like if you were swimming in abundance?My guest for this episode, Kristine Kolzing, has built her business around helping her clients answer that question firsthand. Kristine is a transformational mindset expert, success coach, and the CEO of the Alignment Tribe, and she teaches her clients how to envision the life that would truly make them happy — and then make it HAPPEN. “We’re told from a very young age who we’re supposed to be and what we’re supposed to want,” she says, “and, especially for women, we really lose sight of what it is that we want just for ourselves.”Not only can we not always recognize the goals that would truly fulfill us, but our subconscious can actively work against us when we start to pursue them — if you have spent most o