Road To Seven

Letting Go To Create Massive Impact



What do you have to let go of in order to create a bigger impact?My guest Laura Beauparlant ran a custom stationery business for 12 years. She was highly successful, and her innovative wedding invitation designs had been featured in many magazines.Laura was making good money and building a name, but she knew that she wanted to leave the wedding industry. She wanted something bigger and better. She’d been doing design work for small businesses and soon realized she was making more money from small business branding than from her wedding invitations.She knew she needed to shift where she put her energy.In November of 2015, she quit doing wedding design completely and within 5 or 6 months she’d launched her new company, Lab Creative, and started her Brand Camp program.The lesson? Sometimes, you need to let go of something in order to grow.As Laura scaled up, she realized that couldn’t move beyond a certain revenue point without hiring a team and letting go of having full control.She needed to recognize that her