Road To Seven

Developing Your Rockstar Team



“Our job, as a leader, is to empower somebody to better handle and deal with the circumstances in their life.”- Shelagh CumminsNo great business is built by one person alone. Developing a superstar team is a vital piece of the entrepreneurial puzzle, whether you’re bringing on contractors or employees.But unless you’re very lucky, not every member of your team will perform perfectly right out of the gate. Sometimes, this can be solved through leadership… but sometimes, you need to let go.In this episode, you’ll learn tips and strategies for dealing with both situations.Setting quantifiable goals and expectations is the best way to assess the performance of your team — and figure out if they provide value.If you keep someone on your payroll just because they’re facing challenges in their life, that may make you feel good — but it won’t do your business any favours. There are ways to offer support that won’t burn through your business’s budget!Whether you’re just starting to hire or already have your dream team