Road To Seven

Niching Down with ADHD with Cher Jones



“The reason why I was ‘multi-passionate’ and trying all these different things… was an avoidance coping mechanism that was as a result of recognizing that I have ADHD.”- Cher JonesCher Jones is a speaker, a coach, and the founder of social media training company Socially Active. She’s also a brilliant woman who has achieved great success while living with ADHD.While ADHD has long been regarded as something that primarily affects males, there’s been a growing recognition of the different ways that it affects women and girls — leading to more diagnoses and more understanding.In this conversation, we talk about the catalyst that helped Cher to niche down and choose her best-fit lane, the challenging intersection of entrepreneurship and neurodivergence, and why it’s never too late to reinvent, refocus, and recharge your business.You won’t want to miss this fascinating discussion!In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode of the Road to Seven podcast,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌How ADHD has shaped Cher’s entrepreneurial journey — and how she