Authority Academy Radio With Brett Campbell

AATV Ep #11: Facebook Advertising



10 Tips to Growing your fan page: Transcription: If you're advertising on Facebook, this is your first step. How are you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy online coaching community for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and anyone who is looking to turn their passion, their skill, and their knowledge into profits. Now, today I want to share with you a very quick tip that I see so many entrepreneurs and business owners doing wrong. I found this out when I was speaking in event. When I'm at events I like to do a little poll. I get the audience to put up your hand if you've ever used Facebook advertising, say you've spent money on Facebook. Near 90% of the audience their hands go up. I then ask the next question. Put your hand up if you advertise and you're spending money on a daily basis. The hands do not go up. Very, very few people are advertising on a regular daily basis, and this is the reason why. Number one is you do not hav